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日期:2015-12-01  来源:学校网



The shops are already packed with thermals. Yes, winter's definitely knocking at the door. But it needn't bring with it the usual litany of coughs and sneezes, dry skin and cold hands. Here, we bring you our ultimate winter survival guide - with some simple tricks to keep you warm and well...


Blink more or wear sunglasses 多眨眼或者戴太阳眼镜

The colder the air, the less moisture it contains, which can mean dry eyes, causing the cells that produce tears to shut down to protect themselves from the irritation. Spectacles and sunglasses can help reduce the airflow and evaporation around the eyes.


Eat with your left hand at parties 在聚会上用左手吃东西

Hands can carry illness-causing bacteria and bugs. Using a different hand to greet people and to eat reduces the chance of those bacteria being transferred to your mouth, making you ill.


Say no to hot toddy 不要喝热棕榈酒

Alcohol might make you feel warm at first because it causes warm blood to rush toward your skin, but you may end up feeling colder because this action can take blood away from the internal organs, causing body temperature to drop.


Walk round the shopping centre 去购物中心走几圈

Winter weather really can trigger joint pain. As well as wearing warm clothing, experts recommend heat packs or warm baths and keeping active (40 minutes each day) to keep the joints mobile, and if the weather is not too bad, go for a walk outside, or if it's inclement, a stroll around a shopping centre.


Sit next to a lamp in the morning 早上坐在台灯旁照照

A consultant neuropsychiatrist recommends use of a daylight lamp for 30 minutes each morning for patients who don't sleep well in winter. Daylight helps trigger the production of the hormone melatonin, which helps regulate our mood and sleep patterns.


Change seats on the bus 坐公交车时换座位

If someone close to you is coughing or sneezing, turn your head away for ten seconds while the air clears, and - if you're on a bus or train - change seats if you can.


Stomp around to avoid falls 步子踩结实,防止摔跤

Ice and snow can be treacherous. For the elderly, a serious fracture could be fatal. Experts recommend wearing firm shoes with good grip and walking in a way that maximises the foot's gripping surface area - strike the ground with heels first, but try to stomp your whole foot down, rather than rocking from heel to toe.


Wash your pillow case every week 枕头套要每周都洗

Change your pillow case once a week to prevent germs festering - and daily if the person you share a bed with is under the weather. Use a 60c hot wash.


Go to bed a little earlier 提早一点上床睡觉

It is well known that lack of sleep affects immunity; in fact, if you sleep for less than seven hours a night, you could be three times more likely to catch a cold than someone who gets eight hours.


Change your toothpaste 换牙膏

Teeth can be especially sensitive in winter months as icy air stimulates the nerves exposed by damaged enamel or receding gums. Doctors suggest different brands contain slightly different ingredient combinations which your body can get used to after a while - so it's a good idea to switch toothpaste brands once a year if you're prone to sensitivity.


Check your rash with an ice cube 用冰块检查皮疹

Cold weather can trigger an outbreak of hives in some people. To find out if this is what's causing your rash, you can self-diagnose the condition by holding an ice cube to the skin for a few minutes (use one that's just staring to melt). The rash will appear in a square shape to mirror the ice cube. If it is cold-induced urticaria, taking an over-the-counter antihistamine before going outdoors into the cold may help.




Eat chocolate for a cough 用巧克力缓解咳嗽

Many over-the-counter cough remedies are little more than sticky sugar syrup, which soothes a cough by coating the throat. But dark chocolate may perform the same function, coating the throat in theobromine - an active ingredient found in cocoa which can act as a cough suppressant.


Rinse your nose to combat colds 清洗鼻子对抗感冒

You might be able to protect against cold bugs by using a saline nasal spray to moisten the lining of your nose. Nasal irrigation led to a significant reduction in coughs and colds among children.



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